Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Marketing with YouTube

 In recent memory, YouTube has grown to become one of the largest platforms available for content creators, and where there is content creators, there's money to be made. This was the subject of our chapter this week, YouTube. With being one of the websites I am on the most, I believed I had a good idea of the demographic, but like every other week, I was wrong. I knew YouTube had a large following to it, I would've believed if the numbers were similar to, 50% of male users online are on YouTube, but the actual percentage is an outstanding 78%

Just by the numbers, YouTube seems by far to be the best media channel to use to market, but there is a lot more to consider than just sheer numbers. The psychographic of YouTube is extremely different than websites like TikTok or Instagram or Twitter, as YouTube tends to have longer videos, it's harder to watch on the go, or mindlessly scroll through like the previously mentioned social media.

YouTube is claimed to be the #2 search engine in the world, behind Google, which to say the least is shocking. There can be a lot of money to be made on YouTube just from the number of users the platform has.

The First Week of Spring Football

It's finally here, the first week the team has been waiting for since the season ended, the beginning of spring ball. Spring ball for division III is a little different than spring ball for big colleges like Ohio State and Alabama, the bigger colleges do not have as many restrictions as we do. Division I is able to wear full pads for most of their spring ball season, while for Division III, it wasn't until this year that we were able to wear shoulder pads and helmets, still no full pad days available to us though.

I'm excited though, we finally are able to do more during spring ball than we would normally, so even though it's not at the level of division I colleges, I'm happy about where we're at right now. We officially had our first spring practice this last Tuesday after completing dog soldiers. I'm still sore from dog soldiers but that didn't stop me from going on Tuesday and having a great time. Tuesday went well, especially for the first day of practice, I can't wait for our scrimmages and eventually, the 2022-2023 season.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Dog Soldiers

 Its a special time of the year for football players at Ohio Northern, every spring since 1999, the ONU football team in the spring holds a week of excersies called Dog Soldiers. The name is based off an indian tribe and initaiation that puts people to the test, those who are competing don't know when it will start, and do not know what they will be doing.

Luckily for me, I got back from Chicago this past weekend, just in time for Dog Soldiers. This is not going to be my first dog soldiers, as I took part in it last year. Last year wasn't extremely rough, but it for sure was not fun. After a dissapointing last season, I have a feeling that these next few days of Dog Soldiers, (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) will be a lot more tiring and strenuous. 

I am excited for it though, I love the oppertunity to compete and push myself, and with it being time for Dog Soldiers, it means one thing, football season is close.

Marketing with LinkedIn

 When people think about social media marketing, LinkedIn is probably the fourth or fifth app that comes to people's minds, if not later. I personally have never thought about marketing on LinkedIn. This was this week's chapter, when reading through, one of the things that caught attention like usual is the users of the app. For LinkedIn being one of the most popular apps, and the popular job app, only 24% of the population of females are on LinkedIn, and 29% for males. 

The most popular use for LinkedIn marketing is B2B or Business to Business, over 92% actually prefer LinkedIn over other marketing channels, which makes complete sense since LinkedIn is seen as a very professional form of Facebook almost. 

Including normal ways to decide who to advertise to, LinkedIn is a job site, you can advertise to people who are looking for specific jobs, or have a specific title, or company, or education level, or even if they are a member of a specific company, I think that's pretty cool.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Marketing With Pintrest

 Marketing with Pinterest was a social media that I initially did not think could possibly be effective. The more I learn about social media and marketing, the more I can start thinking of ways how Pinterest can be effective. 

Looking at the initial demographic numbers, in no surprise for me, the majority of Pinterest users are women, by a big margin as well. However, there are more male users on it than I expected, a whole 15% of the male population uses Pinterest! Also to my surprise, the % split of users' locations is pretty even, rural users are less than the other two groups but it's not by much. One last thing that surprised me while reading was that 87% of pinners have claimed to purchase something from Pinterest.

From a consumer's point of view, I don't see ads on Pinterest and immediately close the ad, it almost feels as if Pinterest was made for ideas and shopping. Marketing with Pinterest seems like it can be challenging to be really good at, but there have definitely been a few success stories! Caribou Coffee is an extremely recognizable brand and they have had success through marketing with Pinterest. With a Pinterest assignment coming up soon in my social media class, I'm both excited and nervous to check it out.

American Marketing Association

 This week has been one I have looked forward to for a long while now, its finally time for the American Marketing Association conference in Chicago. From Tuesday through early Sunday morning, I and other students from Ohio Northern University will attend. 

The trip started off at 4am on Tuesday morning. Instead of driving all the way to Chicago, we all decided on taking an Amtrak train there, to save a ton of money and stress. The train was 6 minutes late to the station, and while we already thought that was bad, we ended up arriving in Chicago 3 hours late due to traffic, I didn't even know that trains had traffic. 

Other than that, the trip has been well so far, its so interesting to feel the difference in the atmosphere in Chicago compared to Ada. Coming from someone who lives in Cleveland, Chicago is way more alive in terms of people walking the streets, and Chicago also seems much more tourist-friendly compared to my back home counterpart.

Overall, we have quite a few days left, and I'm extremely excited to get to explore Chicago more, and beyond that, I'm excited to get to attend this convention and possibly further my business career.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Double Majoring in College?

 I've recently made a big decision in my academics, I have decided to take on a second major at Ohio Northern University. I previously was only a Sport Management major, but with a discussion with my acadmeic advisor, I've decided to take on a Marketing major as well. 

I was taken by surprise by the small amount of extra classes this entails, for a marketing minor I would've only had to take two extra classes, and to an even bigger surprise, the major was just four extra classes.

Originally, marketing didn't even cross my mind, but after taking and exploring a few different business classes, marketing sucked me right in. 

I'm extremely excited to get more involved in the world of marketing, whether if that is through social media, or in general marketing. With a new added major, I'll be attending the American Marketing Conference in Chicago the week after spring break,

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Ohio State Basketball

For this week's assignment, we had the option to live-tweet an event. Being the athlete I am, I chose to cover an Ohio State University Basketball game. Coming in at #23 in the country, OSU lost their previous game, this time they were playing an 8-21 team in Nebraska. Everyone would've thought this was an easy win for OSU right? Well, things played out a little different than expected

While OSU got off to a good start, you could tell by the end of the first half that they were slowing down, and this cost them. At one point Ohio State was down 12 after leading by a big margin in the first. 

Their star, EJ Liddel, did not disappoint, he ended the game with well over 20 points, showing off why he is being regarded as one of the best players in college basketball. A wing player who can score at all three levels in basketball is in high demand, to say the least. Overall, it was a depressing night for Buckeye fans, the game against Nebraska was supposed to be a tune-up game after the previous games' loss. With March Madness approaching, I'll be rooting for the buckeyes to rebound from these losses.

Mimic Social

 For the final week of the semester, we have to write about the social media sim we had to complete, Mimic Social. This was a social media s...