Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Marketing With Pintrest

 Marketing with Pinterest was a social media that I initially did not think could possibly be effective. The more I learn about social media and marketing, the more I can start thinking of ways how Pinterest can be effective. 

Looking at the initial demographic numbers, in no surprise for me, the majority of Pinterest users are women, by a big margin as well. However, there are more male users on it than I expected, a whole 15% of the male population uses Pinterest! Also to my surprise, the % split of users' locations is pretty even, rural users are less than the other two groups but it's not by much. One last thing that surprised me while reading was that 87% of pinners have claimed to purchase something from Pinterest.

From a consumer's point of view, I don't see ads on Pinterest and immediately close the ad, it almost feels as if Pinterest was made for ideas and shopping. Marketing with Pinterest seems like it can be challenging to be really good at, but there have definitely been a few success stories! Caribou Coffee is an extremely recognizable brand and they have had success through marketing with Pinterest. With a Pinterest assignment coming up soon in my social media class, I'm both excited and nervous to check it out.


  1. It is really cool how you can use Pinterest and make certain boards so that people with certain interests can see your product.

  2. I think its awesome how you can just pin a bunch of photos to show your product. And get more people to visit your website.

  3. I am new to the app as you can probably tell but I am finding it very interesting that you can find people with similar interests and create a board.


Mimic Social

 For the final week of the semester, we have to write about the social media sim we had to complete, Mimic Social. This was a social media s...