Wednesday, February 2, 2022

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

 In this weeks chapter, one of the topics covered were about S.M.A.R.T. Goals. S.M.A.R.T goals are a  good way to capture specific goals and make them easy to understand. Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely, that is what each letter of the acronym mean. 

Specific- be specific in what you are wanting to achieve

Measurable- a numeric amount, or being able to clearly see the difference

Attainable- a realistic goal that can actually be achieved.

Relevant- a goal that is current and meaningful to what is needed.

Timely- set a time frame you want to accomplish this task by.

While the S.M.A.R.T. Goals can be really useful, it takes more than just formulating the plan.

The best way to go about it, is to consistently check up and be proactive with with whoever you are partnered with on this project. 

A good example of a S.M.A.R.T. Goal is as follows:

We want to achieve a 16% increase in our following on instagram within the next 3 months so we can launch a new project that will debut multiple new product lines. 

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