Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Marketing With FaceBook/meta

 In our chapter reading this week, chapter 4. We discussed how important Facebook is today, and some of the stats about this website.

Everyone knows the story of how Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook at the age of 19 in his college dorm at Harvard. But not many people know how influential that app has been since its creation. 

For example, between Facebook, instagram, WhatsApp and other Facebook controlled media, their apps reach about a total of 7.8 Billion people! That type of audience is absolutely crazy to think about! While most people associate Facebook with the older generations, 78% of their demographic is actually between the age ranges of 18-49 year old users! And to top that off, most of their users are female.

Another stat that is super interesting to me is that about 98% of users access Facebook on a mobile device, which makes sense but I wouldn't have assumed the number is that large!

Many businesses operate through Facebook as well, and thats not even counting Facebook's actual marketplace which is built into the app.

Facebook has came along way since its inception in 2004, but there is no doubt whatsoever about how Facebook has impacted our society, whether that is good or bad, or maybe a little bit about both.

1 comment:

  1. I remember Facebook was the first social media account I was allowed to have. It was so special to be able to have my own account like my parents. It was a moment I think I will always remember. I think it is pretty cool how social media can help us connect online, but also in person like in this case.


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