Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Polar Bears in Their Natural Habitat

 Today the was supposed to be the football teams off day, since we lift on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, along with some conditioning on Fridays. Our coach sent everyone on the team a text about a winter sports competition, the initial reaction from the team was not very pretty, no one wanted to attend this event, especially on our off day.

Leading up to this event, not much was changed in terms of the attitude, most of us showed up unhappy, and wanting to just go back to the dorm and sleep after classes. After everyone gathered next to our sports center, King Horn, Coach Paul told the team that we were going to be competing in some good old fashion hand ball. This announcement instantly raised everyones mood. We were split up randomly into 8 teams. Sadly my team was one of the first to lose.

After my team was eliminated we sat on the side and chose a team to cheer for, but most of us (me included) started to gather snowballs and throw them at the other players mid game! It was honestly a really fun time, more fun than it was playing in the actual game! A lot of the other players joined in, and whenever another teammate came to the sidelines they would absolutely pelted by snowballs. 

The snowballs got so bad that the Head Coach, Dean Paul had to tell the players on the sidelines to stop throwing snowballs during the game, and told us, "you can throw the snowballs once the matches are over, just not during the actual games." So me and my friends followed his directions. Eventually me and some others spent the entire time creating a mountain of snowballs to whip at others.

While I originally was part of the team who didn't want to attend this snow competition, I had a good time and I'm glad I ended up attending. 

1 comment:

  1. I saw you guys playing in the snow and I got so jealous because I had to go to practice which I knew would be a ton of running. And also, I love the winter especially when the snow is thick enough to make snowballs.


Mimic Social

 For the final week of the semester, we have to write about the social media sim we had to complete, Mimic Social. This was a social media s...