Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Marketing with Twitter

 This weeks chapter is one of my favorite, Twitter is one of my most used apps, the only one that I use more frequently is probably TikTok.

I haven't thought about twitter being used to market a brand or business, the ads that I receive are mainly movie or tv previews, which is weird since I don't watch movies or tv that often. The textbook states that users on twitter are 3 times more likely to follow a brand than users on Facebook, which makes complete sense. I follow Wendys and Slim Jims, among other brands just because of their internet persona, not because I enjoy the brand themselves. 

I don't see Twitter as much of a advertising media source as much as Facebook, Twitter feels a lot more informal and personal. To my surprise almost 80% of Twitter users actually have bought products on Twitter. 

While this chapter was extremely interesting, I did not quite learn a ton this week, I think this because I am already an avid twitter user and know the app pretty well.


  1. I am an avid Twitter user as well! When reading, I thought it was odd how much business is done through the app. Personally, I just get on the app for sports updates and funny tweets. It took me a while to understand Twitter though. The only reason I downloaded the app was for recruiting, and now, it gives me a good laugh.

  2. I am not a user of Twitter, but I agree that it is a more informal app, rather than Facebook. I do not follow many people on Twitter so the fact that 80% of users actually buy things on the app is crazy. I believe that Twitter is more of a conversational app than a business tool.

  3. I would have to agree with you with saying that twitter is a more informal social media platform and it doesn't have the same business value as Facebook. I do believe that twitter is still a good place to put your business so people can see it in more than just one platform.


Mimic Social

 For the final week of the semester, we have to write about the social media sim we had to complete, Mimic Social. This was a social media s...