Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Marketing with Instagram

This weeks chapter, similar to last weeks, we learned about marketing with another social media. Last week being Facebook, and this week being a company Facebook actually bought in 2012, Instagram.

One of the most interesting statistics I have learned about Instagram is the demographics of its users. While Facebook mostly consists of older generations (older than 30 primarily), Instagram has 67% of its users between 18 and 29 years old, and what may be crazier is that 72% is 13-17 year olds. 

While Facebook has marketplace, Instagram doesn't seem as focused on helping business sell, as there isn't a distinct page for it, yet in my opinion, I feel like businesses can use Instagram more than Facebook to grow and spread awareness about their company.

Instagram obviously focuses more on pictures and videos than Facebook does, for a marketing side of business this can work out extremely well! 

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