Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Marketing with LinkedIn

 When people think about social media marketing, LinkedIn is probably the fourth or fifth app that comes to people's minds, if not later. I personally have never thought about marketing on LinkedIn. This was this week's chapter, when reading through, one of the things that caught attention like usual is the users of the app. For LinkedIn being one of the most popular apps, and the popular job app, only 24% of the population of females are on LinkedIn, and 29% for males. 

The most popular use for LinkedIn marketing is B2B or Business to Business, over 92% actually prefer LinkedIn over other marketing channels, which makes complete sense since LinkedIn is seen as a very professional form of Facebook almost. 

Including normal ways to decide who to advertise to, LinkedIn is a job site, you can advertise to people who are looking for specific jobs, or have a specific title, or company, or education level, or even if they are a member of a specific company, I think that's pretty cool.

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