Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The First Week of Spring Football

It's finally here, the first week the team has been waiting for since the season ended, the beginning of spring ball. Spring ball for division III is a little different than spring ball for big colleges like Ohio State and Alabama, the bigger colleges do not have as many restrictions as we do. Division I is able to wear full pads for most of their spring ball season, while for Division III, it wasn't until this year that we were able to wear shoulder pads and helmets, still no full pad days available to us though.

I'm excited though, we finally are able to do more during spring ball than we would normally, so even though it's not at the level of division I colleges, I'm happy about where we're at right now. We officially had our first spring practice this last Tuesday after completing dog soldiers. I'm still sore from dog soldiers but that didn't stop me from going on Tuesday and having a great time. Tuesday went well, especially for the first day of practice, I can't wait for our scrimmages and eventually, the 2022-2023 season.


  1. This has been a very interesting week as it is my first week of being a polar bear. Practice has been going good though.

  2. Spring ball has been challenging this past couple days learning all the different signals and tag words. I ca not wait for the fall though when we get to put all the pads on and hit somebody.


Mimic Social

 For the final week of the semester, we have to write about the social media sim we had to complete, Mimic Social. This was a social media s...