Wednesday, February 23, 2022

OAC Tournament

 On Monday, February 21st, the boys basketball team played Muskingum at home. It was such a crazy game from start to finish! I honestly was not about to attend the game until one of my friends, Hunter asked me last second. 

The game started off badly for the Polar Bears, with them getting behind Muskingum by 5 points, sometimes even more, as the game went on the Polar bears would slowly climb back into the game. Number 2 for Muskingum was having an extremely good game, it was like he couldn't miss even if he tried. But luckily for us, 22 on out team was having a game as well, the bigman kept shooting from deep, and kept bullying in the paint. 

Eventually, ONU was ahead of Muskingum by seven in the start of the fourth quarter. Musky came back and tied the game by a shot by who else but number 2. The game went to overtime, one 5 minute quarter. In the entire quarter Musky only scored 3 points, for a team that talked an awful lot, they could not score in overtime, the Polar bears stormed by in OT.

Yesterday, ONU's season came to an end, they played #2 in the country, Marietta. It sucks to see the season end, as the games were a lot of fun to attend.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Marketing with Twitter

 This weeks chapter is one of my favorite, Twitter is one of my most used apps, the only one that I use more frequently is probably TikTok.

I haven't thought about twitter being used to market a brand or business, the ads that I receive are mainly movie or tv previews, which is weird since I don't watch movies or tv that often. The textbook states that users on twitter are 3 times more likely to follow a brand than users on Facebook, which makes complete sense. I follow Wendys and Slim Jims, among other brands just because of their internet persona, not because I enjoy the brand themselves. 

I don't see Twitter as much of a advertising media source as much as Facebook, Twitter feels a lot more informal and personal. To my surprise almost 80% of Twitter users actually have bought products on Twitter. 

While this chapter was extremely interesting, I did not quite learn a ton this week, I think this because I am already an avid twitter user and know the app pretty well.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Marketing with Instagram

This weeks chapter, similar to last weeks, we learned about marketing with another social media. Last week being Facebook, and this week being a company Facebook actually bought in 2012, Instagram.

One of the most interesting statistics I have learned about Instagram is the demographics of its users. While Facebook mostly consists of older generations (older than 30 primarily), Instagram has 67% of its users between 18 and 29 years old, and what may be crazier is that 72% is 13-17 year olds. 

While Facebook has marketplace, Instagram doesn't seem as focused on helping business sell, as there isn't a distinct page for it, yet in my opinion, I feel like businesses can use Instagram more than Facebook to grow and spread awareness about their company.

Instagram obviously focuses more on pictures and videos than Facebook does, for a marketing side of business this can work out extremely well! 

Super Bowl LVI

​This past weekend is the time of the year that many football fans look forward to, the Super Bowl! This years matchup had the Los Angeles Rams and the Cincinnati Bengals. 

While I was hoping for the Bengals to win, I had a feeling since the very beginning that the Rams would win, and that’s exactly what happened.

Many predicted the Rams to make the Super Bowl since the start of the season, while most professional analysts predicted the Bengals to only win 4 of the 17 games this season. Somehow the Bengals shocked everyone! They won 10 games and proceeded to take down some of the top teams in the National Football League. 

The only thing I don’t like about the super bowl is that there isn’t any more football for 204 more days (while writing this) . It’s going to be a super long time, that’s for sure.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Polar Bears in Their Natural Habitat

 Today the was supposed to be the football teams off day, since we lift on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, along with some conditioning on Fridays. Our coach sent everyone on the team a text about a winter sports competition, the initial reaction from the team was not very pretty, no one wanted to attend this event, especially on our off day.

Leading up to this event, not much was changed in terms of the attitude, most of us showed up unhappy, and wanting to just go back to the dorm and sleep after classes. After everyone gathered next to our sports center, King Horn, Coach Paul told the team that we were going to be competing in some good old fashion hand ball. This announcement instantly raised everyones mood. We were split up randomly into 8 teams. Sadly my team was one of the first to lose.

After my team was eliminated we sat on the side and chose a team to cheer for, but most of us (me included) started to gather snowballs and throw them at the other players mid game! It was honestly a really fun time, more fun than it was playing in the actual game! A lot of the other players joined in, and whenever another teammate came to the sidelines they would absolutely pelted by snowballs. 

The snowballs got so bad that the Head Coach, Dean Paul had to tell the players on the sidelines to stop throwing snowballs during the game, and told us, "you can throw the snowballs once the matches are over, just not during the actual games." So me and my friends followed his directions. Eventually me and some others spent the entire time creating a mountain of snowballs to whip at others.

While I originally was part of the team who didn't want to attend this snow competition, I had a good time and I'm glad I ended up attending. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Marketing With FaceBook/meta

 In our chapter reading this week, chapter 4. We discussed how important Facebook is today, and some of the stats about this website.

Everyone knows the story of how Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook at the age of 19 in his college dorm at Harvard. But not many people know how influential that app has been since its creation. 

For example, between Facebook, instagram, WhatsApp and other Facebook controlled media, their apps reach about a total of 7.8 Billion people! That type of audience is absolutely crazy to think about! While most people associate Facebook with the older generations, 78% of their demographic is actually between the age ranges of 18-49 year old users! And to top that off, most of their users are female.

Another stat that is super interesting to me is that about 98% of users access Facebook on a mobile device, which makes sense but I wouldn't have assumed the number is that large!

Many businesses operate through Facebook as well, and thats not even counting Facebook's actual marketplace which is built into the app.

Facebook has came along way since its inception in 2004, but there is no doubt whatsoever about how Facebook has impacted our society, whether that is good or bad, or maybe a little bit about both.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

 In this weeks chapter, one of the topics covered were about S.M.A.R.T. Goals. S.M.A.R.T goals are a  good way to capture specific goals and make them easy to understand. Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely, that is what each letter of the acronym mean. 

Specific- be specific in what you are wanting to achieve

Measurable- a numeric amount, or being able to clearly see the difference

Attainable- a realistic goal that can actually be achieved.

Relevant- a goal that is current and meaningful to what is needed.

Timely- set a time frame you want to accomplish this task by.

While the S.M.A.R.T. Goals can be really useful, it takes more than just formulating the plan.

The best way to go about it, is to consistently check up and be proactive with with whoever you are partnered with on this project. 

A good example of a S.M.A.R.T. Goal is as follows:

We want to achieve a 16% increase in our following on instagram within the next 3 months so we can launch a new project that will debut multiple new product lines. 

2023 Spring Break Plans?

 Now that football is in our offseason, we get to discuss more and more about what our funding can get us. One big event that happens every couple of years is a nine day national trip! While this is still in the works, it seems as if though this trip will happen, even with the new strain of Covid.  

Every two to three years, the football teams raises money to take an enriching trip to another country. This year we had many options but we narrowed down all our options to just six. Those options are Spain, Italy, Iceland, Costa Rica, Jamaica, and Paris. I’m hoping that we choose to go somewhere like Spain or Italy or Iceland! 

Ultimately I’ll be happy with wherever the football team chooses to go to, as I have decided I am going to try to go no matter 

Another event that is happening right now is the super bowl is going to be played soon, after watching most of the NFL season and being alright, some friends convinced me to put a little money on the Super Bowl, nothing much, just 20$, but if Joe Burrow wins and get the Super Bowl MVP, then that 20 turns into 120$! So I guess we’ll see how it’ll turn out. Wish me luck!

Mimic Social

 For the final week of the semester, we have to write about the social media sim we had to complete, Mimic Social. This was a social media s...