Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Marketing with TikTok

 It's time for one of my most anticipated social media chapters, it's time to learn about marketing with TikTok. TikTok has quickly grown to be one of the most used social media channels within the past few years, TikTok actually used to be, before it got rebranded to what we know today.

One of the most intersting parts of these chapters is looking at the media by the numbers, to no surprise, 62% of the users on TikTok are between the ages of 13 and 29. However, I believe within the next few years we might see an increase in older users, as TikTok becomes popular for that demographic.

Part of TikTok's success is from its broad range of entertainment. There are so many different users and different communities, there's something on TikTok for everyone.

For the different communities, they call them -toks, like if you like cooking? its #cooktok, or #cookingtok. just by entering those hashtags, you can find videos about almost anything

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