Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Ohio Northern's Sports Photography

 I have been looking for a job on campus for a while, recently here I reached out to Tim Glon, the Director of Sports Information for Ohio Northern University. He was excited for me to help since he has been so short staffed as of late, so short staffed that he threw me in as a sports photographer covering both the mens and women's basketball games just two days later! 

I had very little experience with taking pictures, let alone actual sports photography, but it was a job, and I got to be around sports, so I told Mr. Glon that I'm up for the job. Little did I know how much I loved doing sports photograhy, to be honest, I believe it may be my new favorite hobby. 

I walked into the girls basketball game first at 2pm this weekend, I was nervous to say the very least but very quickly I started to have a great time. The girls basketball team took on Marietta, and while it was an extremely close game, the polar bears came out on top!

Below is just a couple of the pictures I took from that game, and while they may not be the best. It was a great learning experience and I can't wait to do it again.


Next was the mens basketball game, playing against Marietta as well, but the mens basketball team for Marietta was also ranked #6 in the country. Right away Marietta took a big lead and never gave it back to the polar bears, it seemed like Marietta was shooting lights out from the 3-point-line. Sadly the game didn't end in the same fashion as the women's game, the mens basketball team lost by a decent margin, but they kept it competitive to say the very least.

Below is the Link to see some of the Mens Basketball pictures.


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