Tuesday, January 25, 2022

2nd Week of Sophomore Spring

 This week in our Principals of Social Media class, we glossed over the first chapter in class, our assigned reading was for the following chapter.


While I thought this chapter was going to be boring, considering we were still going over the basics. There was some genuinely helpful tips. I learned a good bit from this last chapter, many of this was generally known information, but I'll share some of the more interesting findings in chapter 2.

  1. The chapter discusses LinkedIn, every person in business knows about LinkedIn, but I did not know how insanely popular the app is worldwide! Not only is it the worlds largest professional network, but LinkedIn is used in over 200 countries. To add on, over 740 million people use this app!
  2. Another interesting tip I found on the app is that it suggests people choose which accounts are more personal and which ones are more professional, which at first seems like a obvious thing, but this isn't something many of those involved in business tend to do anymore. 
  3. One last interesting piece of information I found is that they suggest you make your social media profiles private? I was always told in high school by my football coach that you should make all your social medias public, that way it shows that you have nothing to hide, which made sense at the time. 
So far I have been enjoying all my classes, and while I have an extended workload this spring, I'm ready for the challenge and excited to get to learn more about business. 

One class that has been surprisingly interesting is my principals of marketing class. I have always been interested in the psychology of people and how they work, and so far we have talked about it a few times.

Football lifting also has started this week and man... I'm extremely sore, its even kinda hard to go downstairs. Even then, it was fun to get back to lifting and getting to be around some more of my teammates. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about the lifts. I play lacrosse instead of football but I also find myself being extremely sore after. The only thing that gets me through the lift are my buddies cheering me on while we push heavy weight.


Mimic Social

 For the final week of the semester, we have to write about the social media sim we had to complete, Mimic Social. This was a social media s...