Wednesday, January 19, 2022

First Day of Sophomore Spring

 Its almost crazy to think I'm halfway through my college career. My name is Joshuah Andrews, most people just call me Josh though, I attend Ohio Northern University, and the mascot is the Polar Bears, which is what gave me the idea for the name the Bear Cave.

I'll be covering my weeks as a college student athlete, as I play football for my University. Whether you're reading this because you're bored, interested or a high schooler thinking about college, I hope you enjoy this and get something out of it. 

This is my 4th semester at the university, it feels like yesterday when I first moved into my dorm. My parents were right when they said, "the older you get, the faster time flies by."


Its the end of the second day of classes, and I'm glad to say I believe it's going to be a great semester. All my professors have been really down to earth. I'm not only looking forward to learning a lot this semester, but also to try to take on creating a blog, and seeing where it takes me. While creating a blog is just part of my Principals of Social Media class, I am extremely interested to see where this goes. 


  1. I hope your year keeps getting better and better

  2. I hope things continue to get better

  3. I wish I had your positivity when it came to being a student athlete. But if you can do it so can I.


Mimic Social

 For the final week of the semester, we have to write about the social media sim we had to complete, Mimic Social. This was a social media s...